Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I was very discouraged to hear that we would be doing a blog in our class. Not so much opposed to the writing, but opposed to the idea that my words and ideas would be open to the public, since I carefully choose what subject to talk about and how to go about it, with each person, I didn't like the idea of it being open to everyone to pick apart, even though I don't think anyone has the time or mostly the want to bother on such things as blogs, there is always the possibility. It ended up encouraging me to write more, and I think just through the act of constant writing, whether it be all at one time or a consistent blog a day, I think my writing and everyone's writing has probably progressed a good amount. Not to mention that I have been slightly enjoying it, and I think i'll keep writing, however not online, and not on topics such as oil, and what i did today, and that sort of thing, those topics that are there to fill up another blog for an assignment, but I think it would help my writing in general if I kept it up. Hard concepts: practice and consistency makes people better at things...Not only that but it has made me appreciate authors and notice things in writings that I normally wouldn't notice, because of the appreciation of how writing is often times pretty difficult to convey certain ideas in a way that you want to affect people in a certain way. Now that I look back, I apologize for never editing any of these, probably takes away from a good amount of what I have just said. Regardless, I have picked up little tips and strategies from writing on my own while writing which has been of good aid during writing projects. Things that I generally wouldn't have used. I was reading recently one of Stephen King's introductions into the series I mentioned earlier, and something that stood out is the way that he goes about writing. He says that many people go about editing their paper throughout the whole writing process, and there is nothing wrong with that, but what he likes to do is to go straight through with an idea or book, do the whole thing and then put it away for a good six months, even up to a year, then pick it up later on and edit the whole thing. I have found that strategy to be the best on my papers as well, although not having months or years to let sit, I will write the whole thing through and edit after. I think the advantage in that is that you end up getting all the ideas and concepts you wanted to get across in one smooth thought, and then fix up the language and grammar errors later, putting whatever may be more fitting in the paper, but usually if you go in one continuous sweep with your idea you wont have to fix up a whole lot, or so I've found. Cheers to the king.

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