Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Louisiana pt.1

With the oil spill leaking anywhere from 200,000 gallons to millions of gallons a day, according to your source, BP probably saying somewhere in the lower region, we wonder how is this going to affect us.  Not necessarily just right now but in the long run, once the whole has been suctioned, plugged, or however they manage to stop the leak.  The current restaurant I work at get their crab from the Gulf of Mexico, with the usual cost being somewhere around 12 dollars every eight ounces, the price has already moved up to 16 dollars in anticipation of the shortage of seafood coming from that region and the soon to be toll it will take on the fish market.  Our restaurant doesn't heavily rely on any seafood from the gulf, most of it brought in from places in new england or the northern pacific, however areas around are going to be hit extremely hard  with the amount of jobs lost (restaurants, fishing, boating, etc.).  The only good I see coming of this is the reluctancy of wanting to be aboard the off-shore drilling point of view.   Our governor Arnold Schwarzenegger probably with many other well-known politicians have changed their views to not pushing for off-shore drilling.  It shows what it takes to change most people's minds, unfortunately a catastrophic event of some sort must take place. 

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