Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Death and the Surreal

On the plane to New Orleans, I experienced something pretty unexpected. The plane had hit a heavy amount of turbulence, for a good minute or so people were looking around worried as the captain reassured the passengers that everything was fine. I was reading a book and listening to music when I suddenly stopped and started to think of the plane crashing. I wasn't feeling anxious or scarred, more of a relaxed almost wishful anticipation, I felt an extreme calmness that I've never heard of except in what I guess people talk about in their religious experiences as endorphins and nerves run up and down their bodies. Not tuning out the music, but not hearing it either, I was not concerned with anything really, felt a bit like an out of body experience. Nothing was pressing on my mind, no thoughts of friends, family, how short lived I was, or even the highest of probability that death wasn't going to happen anyways. an ode to religious experiences.

Old men like me just tuck our shirts in, too busy running out of time.

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