Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rot those teeth; they wont if you let them be

The last cleaning/check-up I had was a good three years ago, at the least. They told me on my last visit i needed to get my filling, go ahead and make an appointment at the front. I made the appointment, but the night before called and canceled, don't like the idea of people inside of my mouth regardless if they are helping. I've been going in and out of painful feelings that start in my teeth, cavities i always assumed, but never enough to bring me back. However, lately feeling responsible and on track with life I decided to get my teeth checked out, pain helps occasionally or so i hear, and probably would be economically wiser in the long run. So I headed to the dentist where they were surprised to see me, probably guessing that my dad had made me since he had been in a few months before, talked some sense into me, or something like that. <-- have to enjoy the run-ons. Figuring I would come out resembling Hannibal Lecter with blood splattering from my teeth, I wasn't surprised to see all the blood that she was able to manage getting out of my gums. What I was surprised to see was that I had passed the inspections, the x-ray testing, the sharp object prodding around, the interrogation of the necessity of coming in every so many months, all they could find was wine stains on the backs of my teeth and the possibility of removing morals (money-whores), so I got off clean, with even a supposed cavity that they were going to fill last time. To tell the truth, I don't always have time to brush my teeth three, or sometimes two times a day, I figure gum works, and so far haven't got too many cringing faces when I speak. So let them be, they'll save you money that way, and don't visit as often as they say, gives them all the more reason to dig in there with needles and drills. I made an appointment for six months.

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