Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cure for the mind

People don't have any reason to be held down or feel trapped in their brains. We are constantly on the move which keeps us busy and our minds moving. It's when we slow down that we become tangled up in emotions or thoughts that can pull us down. When we slow down is when we start to think back on what we've been doing throughout our lives, does it really have purpose or are we just going through the motions, and if we are just going through the motions is there any better way to go about it?

The cure to any critical thinking or worry is to stay busy. How can someone be caught up in bad thoughts if they are busy, they have no time to let their thoughts bring them down because they are doing some sort of activity. Now that bad thought or regret may still be in the back of their head but it doesn't affect them the way it would if they were not busy. Since they are busy a good majority of their brain, or at least part of it has to be being used to perform whatever thing they are doing. So the thought that usually would have been holding a person down if they had been sitting at home on the couch thinking, is now either a small problem or one to be worried about later.

Unfortunately you can't always push those thoughts away by being constantly busy. The thoughts or latter consequences will usually come back to remind you of your poor decision making.

So the question becomes do we stay busy to push away our regrets, or do we deal with our bad thoughts right away and try to come to some conclusion that will make the decision no longer a regret? There are always other alternatives, not doing things you would regret, or drowning those thoughts out with liquor.

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