Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Louisiana (and presidents) pt. 4

After trying to get away from the topic of Louisiana, I found myself reading an article in Newsweek that caught my attention. Unfortunately, I didn't get the issue number or author's name, so I apologize ahead of time for any misquotes or twisting of ideas. However still fresh in my mind I believe I can get the gist of it across. The author was talking about how Obama is untouchable, how he could do no wrong, at least in the eyes of the democrats, of course he is still unlawfully President and the anti-christ in the eyes of conservatives. However, even many conservatives didn't fully appreciate Bush, and many became wary of the idea of where the GOP was headed by the end of his second term, with good reason of course... What I was surprised to find, and had no prior knowledge to, whether it had been because the media didn't touch on it or I haven't been keeping myself updated enough, was that Obama had been endorsed by BP, and with support from his administration had allowed for the drilling in the off-shore drilling in the underwater canyon in the Gulf Coast, possibly endorsed by him, with the prior knowledge of the possibility of such an occurence happening. When the Gulf Coast began to spew a black mess by the thousands of gallons, Obama either failed to mention or failed to visit the scene of the event, and one of the things he mentioned about the spill was 'don't worry, BP is going to pay for the cleanup.' Regardless, Mr. President why endorse such a project when you want to appear green for all your democratic and green followers? And for that matter, Mr. Media and Obama lovers, why have you not ostracized our President like you did the prior? The author brought to attention the question, 'what would have happened if President Bush had done the same?' the world would have came down upon him. But why shall we turn our cheeks when Obama does the same?

God bless these waves of grain, waves of grain.

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