Wednesday, March 10, 2010

catch up

needs to be edited...more imagery and the bit, however, in times of much needed blogging this will have to suffice.


London's on the podium,
screaming at the crowd,
"Let's bring down this city,
ya we'll burn her to the ground"
I turn to Mary,
wearing a frown,
I love this man, love the cause, love this goddamned town.

Triumph democrat revolt
soulful is key
Feed every father, mother, child,
leave no man till he's free.
Sun's on the horizon,
blood spread through the streets,
poor man's revolution,
mother sits home and weeps.

Upton writes a jungle,
Chicago lost its core.

City's new reputation,
bondage to machine,
makes a strong man wonder,
who he used to be.

needs work, or to be erased from pages, but I think I need to leave things as they are sometimes since I am never satisfied with anything, and will often resort to over analyzation, its become an art. Its about the socialist reformation of the early nineteen hundreds and the slave to labor situation that was occurring during the time period, bit melodramatic, sounds better with music, etc., etc..

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