Wednesday, February 10, 2010

People are drawn in by the unknown and uncharted territories, so people have a deep interest or awe with space whenever somebody brings it up. Space is vast, difficult to reach, and greatly unexplored. However, when brought up with the subject of the ocean, or depths of seas, people are less interested and impressed. According to the show Blue Planet on Discovery Channel we have only explored two to three percent of the entire ocean. Also the great amount of never seen before ocean life that has yet to be found or discovered. I'd say its not better then space, but more reasonable to explore first then space. UFOs and aliens don't compare to things like giant squid taking down submarines and ships, fish with lights on their heads, or grander canyons then the ones we have on land. The Mariana Trench with a depth of thirty-six thousand two hundred feet is one thousand five hundred eighty miles long, while our grand canyon is two hundred seventy seven miles long. Around four hundred and fifty people have gone to space while there have only been 3 attempts to make it to the Mariana trench. Saturn is composed of mostly gas, and the rings of ice and debris. Who cares to go to a big ball of gas and debris even if it has rings, underwater with unknown creatures who are able to sustain life under unbearable pressure sounds like a much more exhilarating place to be. Hopefully soon we'll be able to build some sort of suit that allows us walk at the bottom of the ocean without our ears blowing up or getting the bends. If all the money spent towards wars, politicians, entertainment news on Jonas brothers, and on space was put to exploring the depths of our enigmatic ocean we would be far better off. Can anybody honestly look at the images below and tell me that they would rather be updated on what the image on the right is doing and her lifestyle and friends then to know how something of any nature can live in great depths and what the fish on the left is made up of to be able to illuminate like that, what it eats, and what other creatures and underwater features there are below that have yet to be discovered.

can't compete, what is wrong with people's brains?

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