Friday, January 29, 2010

macho movies

There should be more macho movies. Movies with little plot, lots of guns, explosions, and indecencies. Movies with guys like Jack Bauer, Rambo, Segal, Norris, Bronson, Arnold, Jossie Wales, and of course John McClaine. Where would we be without guys like Jack Bauer, from the tv series 24, defusing three nuclear bombs, saving millions of lives and making impossible life or death descisions all within 24 hours with no sleep, time to eat, or bathroom breaks. Rambo sneaking into enemy territory with nothing but a few guns, explosives, and his fists taking on a whole army to save the day. Men of few words but many actions. People need those kind of movies, movies so extreme that you go home and do as many pushups as you can while asking yourself, "what would Norris do?" Walking around school or work the next day with a new sense of justice and values, ready to take on the world with nothing but your two fists. Too many people are enjoying movies like Sherlock Holmes, Avatar, or The Lovely Bones, which I'm sure are all descent movies something that you walk away feeling good from, but you don't walk away feeling like you could go kill six terrorists with a ball point pen if the time came where you needed to. Plus any other sort of movie softens people, and in the cut throat world we live in today there is no room for being soft or understanding; instead we have to be on our toes ready to pounce at the opportune moment. In fact I think thats why America has lost a sense of values in the last few decades, if it wasn't for movies that showed what it takes to be a real man we would be more lost as a nation and even more in debt, not taking responsibilities for ourselves along the way. I saw The Book of Eli a few weeks ago, overall a pretty good movie, not as extreme as I would have directed but enough macho fighting scenes and explosions to make it a good film. The movie touched on a few different areas with a pretty good balance of self-justice and values, reminded me of a modern day Mad Max. Even more recently I saw the movie Edge of Darkness with Mel Gibson, although not the extreme tough macho man movie that Chuck Norris or Clint Eastwood would have starred in, it was good in the sense that it had plenty of kidney punches, car crashes and shotguns to the head. The story as with most of these tough guy movie story lines, is the story of taking justice into their own hands because the judicial system is a long and tedious way of doing things, and often times don't give a strong enough verdict. Basically what I'm trying to get across is that we're becoming too weak as a nation, too soft. Look all around us we have boys wearing tight pants and earings, others thinking they're tough looking like gangsters, but what we need are real tough guys, not ones who dress like it and ask for fights, but ones that if they were in a knife fight and down five guys to one would be able to beat them all just using their fists. The cure for this soft society is macho movies. They inspire children and adults alike, give us strong values, and an unrealistic view of how things should be handled which can be useful in the sense that it gives us courage in difficult situations, saying something along the lines of, "well if John McClaine can strike down a helicopter with a car then surely I can get my homework done tonight."

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