Wednesday, March 10, 2010

sensuality versus sexuality

Two in the morning is a good time to begin a blogging frenzy. Whether it be lack of care or fogginess of mind, words come out, often times maybe that shouldn't, but regardless early mornings/late nights are an apt time for rambling. Is man solely enticed by sensuality more than sexuality, or are women the same, or is it the romantics that appeal to women, or the chase, the security maybe? Whatever the case, I believe sensuality drives a man more than sexuality does. There must be those who disagree, but then I would ask how do lingerie shops stay open and profitable? Thin pieces of cloth that more often then not reveal the person's nakedness anyways. What is it about natural nakedness that does not entice a man as does a thin piece of fabric? Is it the enigmatic qualities or the act of taking off the small amount of clothing that is appealing? And for women, do they get turned on by men in small underwear or g-strings? What makes a woman so in love with a man if he takes her out to a fancy restaurant? Is it the money factor, finding love in the security of a future or a short-lived spending spree? Or could it possibly be the gesture, a gesture showing that a man is willing to spend his hard earned money on a woman that he wants to spend it on in an act that he knows she will appreciate? Gave up trying to read into things of that matter long ago or any ideas at all really. Is it in man's nature to be drawn in by indiscreet physical attraction? Or is it that we were born with a chivalrous nature and have become enamored by the immoral, indiscreet and love for things relating to sodomy by the social surroundings we are placed in? I'll tell you one thing I know, it is much easier to ask questions then to answer them.

"Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. " -Nietzsche
All apologies for grammatical errors, lack of editing, poor wording, reckless rambling, etc., etc.

If I lived on a ranch it'd be full of peacocks and wolves. Two separate areas for each obviously, since I would like them to be both alive throughout the course of my stay. Both would roam free for acres but a large wall would block them from ever coming into contact with the other. Similar to the Berlin wall, the animals would attempt to cross over (the wolves by digging trenches, the peacocks by attempting to fly). However, MAN, the animal left in charge to subdue such acts, would be sitting in watch towers making examples of those who attempted to meet the other species across the iron clad wall. In the end the people in the tower would have to come down and which ever side they choose they are met with similar fates. The wolves devouring, peacocks pecking.


  1. did you ever notice how God speaks mainly in questions? I'm just saying.

  2. hmmm, i find more and more similarities everyday ahahahaha

  3. hahahahahahahaha made in the image right! ha
