Wednesday, March 10, 2010

blame the devil for the things you do

Doubting is a senseless game, one that brings one round and round in circles never with an answer to anything. Can tear a person apart, being that with no conclusions the average person is bound to keep toiling in the question, which just leads to another one that contradicts it, and another paradox, etc. etc. What is worse is to live a double life, with two principles, actually, I think those two things play hand in hand, doubting and a double life. Life of two morals, being sure of yourself and unsure at the same time must be a stressful and tedious lifestyle. Pleasing everyone is another characteristic that must be tough, which again, plays a role in each of the former ideas. Actually the man who knows that he knows nothing, knows most of all. That's a lie as well. Man will think what he will, and in the end should enjoy life with the most joy as possible. Unless he breaks some moral code, then he should do what is best for the majority of the people. Unless what is best for the majority of people means that the question of the man's life is in question, then maybe, just maybe, its better for that man to stay alive, for his sake.

To live in a world with nobody to impress, people would be even less ambitious then we are. However, a man with no ambitions is a happier man then the one that has too high of ambitions, wouldn't everyone agree?

Open portals,
love never enters.
Neither does the devil.
I thought you knew this.

1 comment:

  1. no i didn't know. but yeah doubt does lead to a lot of confusion. What would it take to be convinced? That's a good place to start. Some of the questions won't be answered because God made them and He's really good at hide and seek. What is life without faith? heads or tails man?
