Monday, April 19, 2010

The only type of woman I could see myself in the long run with is a woman of natural beauty. Someone who isn't defined by their make-up and gets caked up every morning. I often times think whether or not make-up is the reason that women generally look older then men when they get older, if it is the constant waking up to put chemicals on their face that eventually distorts them. I also believe this to be true since, native american women never seemed to age as quickly and as pathetically as a Western woman. But don't worry because the Western woman has found a way around this, gaining large sums of money and paying surgeons to fix any unwanted qualities. I think a woman of nautral beauty generally also has to be in love with nature, and everything natural for that matter. She must be loving, and never anxious or angry, she shows emotions through loving mannerisms, not loud or boastful. If you find any woman of natural beauty, you can be sure to find these qualities in her. It makes perfect sense too, since anyone who is often anxious or angry, hateful, bitter, loud, boastful, materialistic, usually has a natural opaqueness to them and instead of drawing a person in with beauty has to draw a person in with lustful qualities, which at often times works, mostly since natural beauty is a rarity in itself these days. All of those terrible qualities takes a toll not only on a person's soul and character, but also on their physical qualities. So while I am still young and able I will take whatever comes, and we'll see if I make it to become older.

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