Monday, April 19, 2010

anxiety of influence

The trouble with influence is that it is in itself immoral. Any influence given away, is a giving away of one's soul. The person who is being influenced is not thinking his own natural thoughts and everything that he thinks or becomes is now borrowed from someone else. To realize one's nature perfectly is what each of us is here for. Authors are influenced by other authors, poets by poets, song writers or music writers by the same. The influence that I am referring to is not the influence of natural things around them, inspirations felt through their surroundings, that is self-development through experience. What I am referring to is when one comes up with an idea of their own, or a certain style and others change their natural tendancies of what they like or dispositions to fall into the same category or, They abandon their own thoughts because they enjoy someone else's style, or sometimes rather just the position they hold in social situations. Generally it has to do with the person's style though. On second thought, or probably third thought, I think it is writer's that are influenced in that way, by the style that other writers write, the topics they choose, the certain philosophies they hold to, the aphorisms, paradoxes, stylistic poetry, and whatever other aesthetic qualities that make up styles, and are usually influenced by past writers. While in music, it seems that whatever qualities a band latches onto, is usually found in contemporary bands that they like. And as opposed to the style that influences them so much, I see it as a mix of influences, of the style that they enjoy but also the people that they enjoy hanging out with. Unfortunately influence will usually carry a band to sound like the band they are influenced by but worse, and then more generic bands begin to pop up in that category, and what once was original and showed ones soul now is generic and boring. It is impossible not to be influenced by other writers, bands, etc. etc., and thats why I wrote this.

This post was influenced by various amounts of people and their ideas.

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